Recommended: Mesma – “Music for Sleeping”


Because some of us may be suffering from hangovers this Sunday morning, I offer up today’s specially curated daily album recommendation.

Music for Sleeping is a Ray Dickaty project that is the perfect antidote for attempting to have a pain-free experience of sitting on the sofa while hoping to make the hurt go away through sheer force of will (because what else are you gonna do, since the damn aspirin aren’t helping any).  Dickaty’s project Mesma is a series of drones that are wonderfully soothing, just right for the occasion.  The music can lull you into a bit of drowsiness, if you want it to.  However, the drones waver and fluctuate and they can enchant like watching ripples stretching out over the water’s surface.

Your album personnel:  Ray Dickaty (saxophones, electronics and effects).

Listen to more of the album at the artist’s Bandcamp page.

Music from Warsaw, Poland.

Available at:  Bandcamp

And if you’re looking for another side of Dickaty’s music, go check out the write-up of his quartet Pulsarus, which was covered in one of the For-Tune label rundowns (go read it).  It’s just one of many solid projects from that scene.

Also worth nothing that Dickaty was the saxophonist for Spiritualized Let It Come Down and his own group Moonshake.

Speaking of Spiritualized, if you miss some of the old-school Lazer Guided Melodies action, you should scope out Dickaty’s Pure Phase Ensemble.  Check out the song “David Bowie” on the Live at Spacefest recording (go listen to it) and you’ll see what I’m talking about.