New jazz recommendations article up at eMusic

As mentioned previously, every Tuesday, I contribute to a weekly article on emusic giving a rundown of the more interesting new arrivals in jazz.

Well, it’s up.

Here’s a link to where you can read the New Arrivals article on emusic. My jazz contribution to the article (which covers all genres) is about half-way down. You can also access the article on emusic’s own blog “17 Dots”, linked to here.

In about 30 days, I’ll reprint those recs here on this blog, modifying the descriptions where appropriate, adding album art, embedding sound clips when I can, and making them look all spiffy like you’ve come to expect and appreciate in the long history we’ve all had together since I began this blog last week.

You can probably expect that Tuesdays on my blog will be a bit slow. Emusic keeps me pretty busy then, though, actually, next week we’re off and won’t reconvene until the Tuesday after that, the first of 2012.

Here’s what I’m listening to as I type this post…


