Today’s featured video is from guitarist Thomas Maintz and the painting “Gas, 1940” from Edward Hopper. Maintz uses paintings as a vehicle for improvisation, which then may become the seeds for a new composition. “Looking at the paintings helps me to be less analytical,” Maintz explained via correspondence. He also said that he intends to start posting more videos like this… something that I think is pretty damn cool, so expect to see more featured videos on this site as they become available.
You can check out Maintz’s Youtube page here (LINK).
And this seems like a neat site to learn more about Edward Hopper (LINK).
And if you haven’t yet already, be sure to check out my recommendation of two recent Thomas Maintz recordings (LINK).
Now, about that video…
Your video personnel: Thomas Maintz (steel string baritone guitar).
Jan 26 2016
These are videos that I like: Thomas Maintz & Edward Hopper’s “Gas, 1940”
You can check out Maintz’s Youtube page here (LINK).
And this seems like a neat site to learn more about Edward Hopper (LINK).
And if you haven’t yet already, be sure to check out my recommendation of two recent Thomas Maintz recordings (LINK).
Now, about that video…
Your video personnel: Thomas Maintz (steel string baritone guitar).
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By davesumner • These are videos that I like • 0