Crossed lines at a big band rehearsal, compositions for saxophone quartet, and the mercurial prerogatives of a free improv duo are the components that brought a curious unity to the self-titled debut of Madwort’s Menagerie. Tom Ward’s sextet with cornetist Alex Bonney, double bassist Tim Fairhall, flutist Julie Kjær, baritone saxophonist Cath Roberts, cellist Adam Spiers added to Ward’s own bass clarinet are responsible for a curious beauty, where melodies have the ephemeral quality of dreams and harmonies like their lingering aftereffect upon waking, slowly and greeted by soft daylight, and the motion of the music is fitful and anxious, as if children unable to sit still in church pews during a morning service.
Your album personnel: Alex Bonney (cornet), Tim Fairhall (double bass), Julie Kjær (flutes), Cath Roberts (baritone sax), Adam Spiers (cello), and Tom Ward (bass clarinet).
Released on Madwort Records.
Listen to more of the album at the artist’s Bandcamp page.
Music from London, England.
Available at: Bandcamp
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Jan 29 2020
Best of 2019 #24: Madwort’s Menagerie – “Madwort’s Menagerie”
Your album personnel: Alex Bonney (cornet), Tim Fairhall (double bass), Julie Kjær (flutes), Cath Roberts (baritone sax), Adam Spiers (cello), and Tom Ward (bass clarinet).
Released on Madwort Records.
Listen to more of the album at the artist’s Bandcamp page.
Music from London, England.
Available at: Bandcamp
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By davesumner • Recap: Best of 2019 • 0 • Tags: Alex Bonney, Best Jazz of 2019, Cath Roberts, London, Madwort Records, Madwort's Menagerie, Tom Ward