Dec 9 2017
Good god, it’s been six years. How did that even happen?
So, today is the six year anniversary of Bird is the Worm turning on the lights.
The anniversary always sneaks up on me. Shout-out to Twitter for sending me a reminder (I began the Twitter account the same day my site went live).
In past years, I’ve cranked out a bunch of words about all the new things that were going to be happening on the site. And I usually embed some of my favorite albums covered since it all began. Speaking of…
Over time, I’ve come to finally admit that between the day job, my fiction writing and tying to, y’know, maintain some sort of life, it’s enough of a commitment to just keep things nice-and-steady around here.
What you’re still gonna be getting:
- The Monday Round-up columns. Based on traffic and emails/comments, I know my long lists of mini-recommendations are the most popular thing around here. It’s pretty time consuming to do the 10-15 recs per column like I did back in the day, but I’m hoping that the five-per-Monday Round-up things help satisfy your habits.
- Stand-alone recs. But of course you will.
- Saturday album previews.
- Sunday is for older albums. I’ve tried a couple different themes. I think in 2018, Sundays will be for albums from 1990 to 2011 release date… modern stuff that pre-dates my site but still can be considered modern. But I might change that. Y’see? I’m already waffling.
Stuff that may happen in 2018:
- Complete site redesign, including a name change. I’ve got a couple side projects, jazz-related, that I’d like to incorporate into the framework of things, plus the creative writing. But, god, I’m shaking my head now at everything it would entail to get there. But fair warning, one day, things may look very different.
- Patreon (or similar crowd-funding) account for a special Jazz Picks edition. I’ve had this on my to-do list for years. I think I’ve even hinted at it in previous anniversary posts. I mentioned in a bullet point up above the amount of time it takes to put together my old Jazz Picks columns. I may soon be offering a way of getting those things, in an enhanced format with other bonus fun stuff, with a special subscription dealio.
But we’ll pretty much just have to see about that.
I’m not quite ready to announce when the Best of 2017 list will get rolled out, but it’s looking like the festivities start approximately a week from this Monday… December 18th. And if not that Monday, then soon after. You’re asking yourself, “How is it possible that he still hasn’t set his schedule?” I know, I know, I ask myself the same thing every day. And every year. One of these years, the end of the year won’t sneak up on me and I’ll totally have my shit together and there’ll be no year-end panic.
I can’t state emphatically enough how much I appreciate you all for visiting the site to check out the music and occasionally shoot the breeze. There’s two messages I most love receiving: Music fans telling me I helped point them to a new favorite album and musicians when they tell me they saw an uptick in sales immediately after my write-up posted. I want you all to keep finding music that enriches your lives and musicians to earn a living to continue making our lives better.
Okay, I think that’s it. I hope your 2017 wraps up nicely, and that 2018 brings nothing but happiness for us all. We deserve it.
P.S. If either embedded track intrigued you:
First audio embed: Storms/Nocturnes – VIA
Second audio embed. Jaimeo Brown – Transcendence
Dec 9 2018
It’s true, seven birthday candles
It’s hard to believe it’s been that long. It’s difficult to believe it’s only been that long.
This post will be number 2,060.
When I began this site, I figured, two, three years max. I would put everything I had into it for that brief time, and then it would be over… a curiosity that would get recalled every now and then as a tangent to a long twitter discussion or something that would pop up as a memory in a reader’s facebook timeline. But here I am, already making plans for how this site will operate for its eighth year.
I’ll be discussing some of those changes once the Best of 2018 festivities are concluded. Some of those changes you’re seeing already. But there will be more. I’ve finally accepted that this site is a permanent thing in my life, and so I’ll be retrofitting it to behave as such.
Speaking of Best of 2018… typically those began mid-December and ended with the Album of the Year announcement on December 31st. Well, it’s looking like the Best of 2018 list won’t begin until January 1st of 2019. As you’ve probably noticed, this site has had some downtime in 2018 (see above: retrofitting it into my normal life). We have some catching up to do. Starting the motor up of Best of 2018 on January 1st should provide the time I need to take care of your year-end list needs.
Here is a video of one of my all-time favorite songs from one of my all-time favorite albums. This site is all about the ecstatic thrill of discovering music and the celebration of the joy it brings every day after. This song and this album do that for me.
My sincere thanks to everyone who stops by this site to give music a listen. Let’s keep doing this.
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By davesumner • Announcement - Site & General • 3 • Tags: Anniversary Day