There’s a cool new track being offered now as part of the Wayne Horvitz weekly free download series.
Horvitz wrote a score to the movie Woman of Tokyo, a 1933 film directed by Yasujirō Ozu, and “10-11” is one section of thirteen total.
Note: Tracks are only free for one week, and Horvitz typically posts them on Tuesday, so this particular track is only available for about another 24 hours… so jump on this now while it’s still up. You can either follow the link below the audio or just hit the download button in the right hand corner of the player just below.
Your song personnel: Wayne Horvitz (piano), Marty Ehrlich (bass clarinet), Matt Moran (vibraphone), Rob Jost (bass) and Bobby Previte (drums).
And be sure to keep up to date with Horvitz’s weekly free track offering on his Bandcamp page (LINK).
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Feb 1 2016
The Wayne Horvitz free download series: “Woman of Tokyo 10-11”
Horvitz wrote a score to the movie Woman of Tokyo, a 1933 film directed by Yasujirō Ozu, and “10-11” is one section of thirteen total.
Note: Tracks are only free for one week, and Horvitz typically posts them on Tuesday, so this particular track is only available for about another 24 hours… so jump on this now while it’s still up. You can either follow the link below the audio or just hit the download button in the right hand corner of the player just below.
Your song personnel: Wayne Horvitz (piano), Marty Ehrlich (bass clarinet), Matt Moran (vibraphone), Rob Jost (bass) and Bobby Previte (drums).
And be sure to keep up to date with Horvitz’s weekly free track offering on his Bandcamp page (LINK).
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By davesumner • Announcement - Music, Free Music • 0 • Tags: Wayne Horvitz free download series